Autopsy and Case Reports
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2014 Oct-Dec.
4(4), 2014 Oct-Dec.
Editorial Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 1-3, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Paediatric pathology: a work in progress
Luiz Cesar Peres
Image in Focus Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 5-8, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver
Stephen A. Geller; Fernando P. F. de Campos
Article / Autopsy Case Report Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 9-17, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Cardiac amyloidosis: a challenging diagnosis
Graziele Cristina Palancio Morais; Marjorie Moreira Arruda; José Carlos de Aguiar Bonadia; Geanete Pozzan Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 19-24, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis associated with hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma: case report
Vitor Ribeiro Paes; Patrícia Picciarelli de Lima; Sheila Aparecida Coelho Siqueira Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 25-34, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Nodal Epstein-Barr virus-positive T-cell/NK-cell lymphoma associated with immunodeficiency: a rare condition looking for recognition
Cristiane Rúbia Ferreira; Aloísio Felipe-Silva; Fernando Peixoto Ferraz de Campos; Maria Cláudia Nogueira Zerbini Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 35-41, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Prune-belly syndrome: an autopsy case report
Marcela Arruda Pereira Silva Vasconcelos; Patricia Picciarelli de Lima
Article / Clinical Case Report Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 43-49, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Effectiveness of surgical decompression in the treatment of a calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor
Yuri Slusarenko da Silva; Adalmir Gonzaga dos Santos Queiroz; Flávio Wellington da Silva Ferraz; Décio dos Santos Pinto Júnior; Fabio Daumas Nunes; Fernando Mellhem Elias Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 51-56, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Placental mesenchymal dysplasia: case report with gross and histological findings
Marcello Pecoraro Toscano; Regina Schultz Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 57-61, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma: a case of histological variant of urinary bladder cancer with aggressive behavior
Leonardo Gomes da Fonseca; Ciro Eduardo Souza; Romulo Loss Mattedi; Daniel Motta Girardi; Álvaro Sadek Sarkis; Paulo Marcelo Gem Hoff Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 63-69, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Severe cognitive dysfunction and shrinking lung syndrome in systemic lupus erythematous
Breno José Alencar Pires Barbosa; Francisco Akira Malta Cardozo; João Francisco Figueiredo Marcondes Ferraz; Jairo Rays; Márcia Yoshie Kanegae; Vilma Takayasu
Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n4, 71-72, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Nominata of the Reviewers of the volume 4 2014
Maria Claudia Nogueira Zerbini; Fernando Peixoto Ferraz de Campos; Aloisio Felipe-Silva; Milton Roberto Furst Crenitte; Maria Alice de França Rangel Rebello
Autops Case Rep