Autopsy and Case Reports
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014 Apr-Jun.
4(2), 2014 Apr-Jun.
Editorial Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 1-3, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Who will perform my autopsy?
Stephen A. Geller
Image in Focus Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 5-7, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Clostridium difficile infection
Stephen A. Geller; Fernando P. F. de Campos
Article / Autopsy Case Report Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 9-20, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Bone marrow necrosis and fat embolism: an autopsy report of a severe complication of hemoglobin SC disease
Fernando Peixoto Ferraz de Campos; Cristiane Rúbia Ferreira; Aloísio Felipe-Silva Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 21-26, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Dicephalus dipus dibrachius twins: report of an autopsy case
Cristiano Claudino Oliveira; Claudia Aparecida Rainho; Maria Aparecida Custódio Domingues Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 35-41, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Thanatophoric dysplasia: case report of an autopsy complemented by postmortem computed tomographic study
Éber Emanuel Mayoral; Regina Schultz; Sérgio Rosemberg; Lisa Suzuki; Luiz Antonio Nunes de Oliveira; Fernando Uliana Kay
Article / Clinical Case Report Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 43-48, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Cat-scratch disease presenting as multiple hepatic lesions: case report and literature review
Mariana Andrade Baptista; Denise Swei Lo; Noely Hein; Maki Hirose; Cristina Ryoka Miyao Yoshioka; Selma Lopes Betta Ragazzi; Alfredo Elias Gilio; Angela Esposito Ferronato Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 49-54, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Early stage primary gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a young HIV-positive patient
Guilherme Harada; Aloísio Felipe-Silva; José Guilherme Nogueira da Silva Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 55-60, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Ovarian adenosarcoma simulating a simple cyst in a young patient
Leonardo Gomes da Fonseca; Aloísio Felipe-Silva; Samanta Cabral Severino da Silva; Paulo Francisco Ramos Margarido; Elias Abdo Filho; Paulo Marcelo Gehm Hoff Autops Case Rep, vol.4 n2, 61-67, 2014, Publication date January 13, 2016 Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: an overlooked cause of chest pain
Leonardo Hackbart Bermudes; Bruno Tomazelli; Natassia Prates Furieri; Renato Alves Coelho; Camila Fiorese de Lima
Autops Case Rep